With tradition and innovation, TOJIRO Co., Ltd. is manufacturing various type of knives in Tsubame-Sanjo – one of the producing center of knives and cutlery in Japan.
Under our four principles – good faith, sincerity, appreciation, and creation – TOJIRO brand products are manufactured in our factory throughout.
It is our honor to offer you the best sharpness, and we would be more than happy if you could feel the satisfaction of owning the best tool.
Our promise to customers
In order to realize the production of high quality products, we promise the followings.
- SincerityWe will establish a link with our customer’s hearts through warm greetings.
- DevotionWe will deliver satisfaction to our customers with heartfelt products.
- GratitudeWe will convey our feelings of gratitude to everyone involved.
- CreationWe will keep ingenuity in mind and deliver attractive products.
The symbol mark of TOJIRO was derived from 4 images of Mt. Fuji, and has passed to our Mt. Fuji seal that has been our trademark since our foundation. We will incorporate these four promises into each Mt. Fuji, and set out to achieve the highest pinnacle of being “number one in Japan.”
Company Profile
- NameTOJIRO Co., Ltd.
- CEOSusumu Fujita
- Establishment1. May. 1953
- AddressHead Office
1-13 Butsuryu-Center, Tsubame, Niigata, 959-1277, Japan <map>
TEL +81-256-63-7151 FAX +81-256-64-3811
Yoshida Factory
11-12 Yoshida-Higashisakae, Tsubame, Niigata, 959-0232, Japan <map>
TEL +81-256-93-4138 FAX +81-256-92-7401
55-18 Yoshida-Higashisakae, Tsubame, Niigata, 959-0232, Japan <map>
TEL +81-256-93-4195 FAX +81-256-93-4330
2-20-5 Nishi-Asakusa, Taito, Tokyo 111-0035, Japan <map>
TEL +81-3-5246-3526
14-18 Nambasennichimae, Chuo, Osaka, Osaka, 542-0075, Japan <map>
TEL +81-6-6760-4948 - Capital Fund¥11,000,000 (Japanese Yen)
- Business DescriptionProduction and Distribution of Cooking Knives, Cooking Tools
- Number of Employees100 (As of Sep, 2018)
- BanksDaishi Bank, Taiko Bank, Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, Sanjo Shinkin Bank, Shokoh Tyukin
Our History
- 1953 MayEstablishment of Fujitora Farm Equipment. Started to make machine parts and blade for farm equipment.
- 1955 AprStarted to make cooking knives.
- 1964 MarEstablishment of Fujitora Industry Co., Ltd. Capital fund is Japanese 2million yen.
- 1965 OctCapital expansion to Japanese 3million yen.
- 1968 AprNew construction of Yoshida Factory. Manufacture department relocated to new factory.
- 1969 OctCapital expansion to Japanese 6million yen.
- 1970 JunFirst year for awarded superior goods by recommendation of Niigata prefecture. After this year, our goods were awarded it continuously.
- 1971 DecAcquisition of 1,500m2 land for Yoshida Factory.
- 1972 NovNew construction of Yoshida 2nd Factory.
- 1973 FebCapital expansion to Japanese 11million yen.
- 1978 JunNew construction of Yoshida 3rd Factory.
- 1980 SepTOJIRO DP 3Layered Series with Bolster was awarded for Good Design Award by MITI.
- 1981 SepTOJIRO DP 3Layered Series with Bolster were awarded for Good Design Award again.
- 1985 OctBusiness headquarters relocated in Yoshida Factory.
- 1988 OctNew construction of Yoshida 4th Factory. Sales department relocated in present Head Office.
- 1992 JulBusiness headquarters also relocated to Head Office.
- 1993 JunNew construction of exclusive hardening equipment in Yoshida Factory.
- 1994 JanEnlargement of sanding equipment in Yoshida Factory.
- 1996 MarEnlargement of storage in Head Office.
- 1996 OctTOJIRO DP 3Layered Series with Bolster was awarded Good Design Award and Long Life Design by MITI.
- 1998 AprEnlargement of Yoshida 3rd Factory.
- 2000 AprEstablishment of FUJI CUTLERY Co., Ltd. As distributor of FUJITORA INDUSTRY Co., Ltd.
- 2000 SepBy reorganization, Mr. Torao Fujita acceded to chairman, and Mr. Susumu Fujita acceded to new president.
- 2000 OctTOJIRO PRO SD Japanese Knife Series was awarded Good Design Award 2000 by MITI.
- 2001 NovSponsored 2contests of France Food Culture Center.
- 2004 FebFirst exhibit at the Ambiente in Frankfurt Messe.
- 2005 FebChairman Mr. Torao Fujita passed away. (72 years old)
- 2006 SepAcquisition of 1,500m2 land for Yoshida Factory.
- 2008 NovCompletion of “TOJIRO KNIFE ATELIER” at Yoshida South Factory.
- 2010 AugExtension of polishing and washing facilities at Yoshida South Factory.
- 2012 FebTOJIRO ORIGAMI was awarded IF Design Award 2012 (in Germany).
- 2012 DecCompletion of FUJI CUTLERY logistic center.
- 2013 NovAdopting manufacturing process management system, and installation of NC grinding machine at Yoshida Factory.
- 2014 Mar50th anniversary since establishment of Fujitora Industry Co., Ltd.
- 2015 JulRenamed its cooperate name from Fujitora Industry Co., Ltd. to TOJIRO Co., Ltd.
- 2015 JulCompletion of “TOJIRO KNIFE GALLERY” as the hub of TOJIRO brand.
- 2017 NovEstablishment of representative office in Germany.
- 2018 OctTOJIRO OPEN FACTORY was awarded Good Design Award 2018 by MITI.
- 2023 FebGrand opening of TOJIRO KNIFE GALLERY TOKYO in Kappabashi Tool Street, Asakusa.
- 2024 MarGrand opening of TOJIRO KNIFE GALLERY OSAKA in Sennichimae Kitchenware Street, Nanba.
Contribution to world dietary culture through our products
The bottom line is “sharpness”. “Sharpness” is the most important factor of cooking. This is the principal since our foundation.
No compromise on selecting raw material, inheriting traditional technique, adopting new technology, everything we have done was challenge in order to have maximum cutting performance. And now, from professional to home use, for not only domestic but worldwide market, we keep developing our products.
Our knives are the fruits of those challenges and we wish we could contribute to the world’s dietary culture from the aspect of “tool”.
CEO Susumu Fujita